I am delighted to share with you my post for f/4 Studio. I speak about the one thing that inhibits us in so many ways, especially in our creative endeavors: fear. Have a look…make a comment….and while you are there, explore the other work. I know that much of it will resonate. https://f4-studio.com/2016/07/31/loss-and-beauty-creating-solace-in-a-land-of-infinite-sorrow/
I share the news in the f/4 Studio blog about the latest location for Loss and Beauty: The Jewish Museum of Maryland. Loss and Beauty will be part of a tremendous exhibit collectively titled Remembering Auschwitz. Have a look here to read all about it: http://jewishmuseummd.org/single/remembering-auschwitz/
The official press release is being created that includes Loss and Beauty. I will share it next week. What I want to share now is my gratitude for all of you who made it possible for my work to reach a larger audience. Today is the anniversary of Loss and Beauty going ‘on press’. Thank you to Donald W. for his expertise and care, and thank you to Skip Klein for first offering Loss and Beauty to JMM and for never giving up on the possibility!
Here’s on last tip. Read the book Art and Fear. Then go create. The world needs your vision and voice.
I happily join in to celebrate in spirits the one year-anniversary of the puplication of Keron Psilla’s outstanding work of art in memory of the Holocaust. May her fascinating images reach many people’s eyes and hearts and encourage our society to give more support and space for light and beauty, hope and humanity.