I like to keep several projects working at a time. It opens the possibilities for seeing. And while I “work” on a project I am often engaged with literature of a time period or place. This deepens my understanding and brings a bit more clarity to the subject I seek. These galleries are ‘just completed’ or work that is in progress.
My students ask me how I decide on a theme for a project. Sometimes that theme finds me as I look critically at work completed over a few months or a few years. In the case of The Presence of Absence, it took just one photo. That image was so strong for me at the time because it encapsulated all I was feeling. That is, there was something that should have been there, something I could still feel, but was lost or absent. I don’t know whether it will ever be a fully formed project or book, but it is a concept that I see when I am photographing from a very centered place.
The Luxury of Longing project, after stalking the edges of my psyche for a number of years, has become much more real after my last trips to Scotland. I’m writing now for the project, as it will be equal parts prose and photography, and look forward to fully inhabiting the work this year.
Please click on the drop down menu for Current Projects to see a gallery of images and other links.
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