Offer your light.
This is a season to reflect upon the Light that has been offered to us all. All faiths, all paths, through all time. As I have come to understand it, the only appropriate response, in gratitude, is to offer your own light to others.
My photographs create a way for me to express my gratitude for all the guidance and inspiration that I have been given and then pass along my experience to those who are interested. The amazing thing is this: in the act of creativity I am blessed layer upon layer.
I experience the moment of inspiration (a divine spark) and then get to prolong that experience by discovering more layers in what I’m seeing/feeling. This experience grows exponentially when I can share it with others. I am always amazed (and continually grateful) that people write to me to talk about the photos and the inspiration or insight that they have received. This gives me the opportunity to speak about the guides, teachers and mentors that I have in my life.
They share their light, unceasing. And it is glorious.
Honor and share your own. It is just as glorious.
you offered me a dragonfly some years ago to guide my in the possibilities within transformation, and i have been grateful ever since….you are the glorious smile that i always see outside of my window.
It was a marvelous experience….mostly because of shared sympathies. : ) Dragonflies are powerful and gentle and remind us to continually BEE. But you knew that already. K
I have tried commenting on this and a number of previous posts, but there are always roadblocks, password requests for accounts that are not clear or that I don’t have, or simply non functional software. So essentially, I’m not able to comment on your work.
From Mark.
Mark….that’s a bummer! But I am delighted to see you here. I do miss you and DID miss seeing you. Things less than smooth still…but moving forward in gratitude! I’ll send a note to my web guy who is a genius. I’ll let you know if anything shows up and/or is resolved. K
“In light there is love, and in love there is beauty”. You epitomise this is your work and your being. Thank you for your light in my life. A
Dear Anne….you are so sweet. It’s such a comfort to know that someone ALL THE WAY on the other side of the world is beaming a smile to me. Big big hugs! k